Wednesday 12 March 2008


After the module on 'Bad Cinema' I decided to research examples of films that were banned due to explicit bad behaviour and to understand for myself why such action was taken. During the course of my research I discovered the film Scum (1979). This story for this film was originally made for TV but due to the nature of the content it was never screened. It was eventually made into a feature film starring Ray Winstone and Phil Daniels. This link takes you to the IMDB website and the list of key words to describe this film. The key words alone demonstrate why the film was so controversial. These are all examples of extreme bad behaviour.

I decided to watch the film myself (£4 from Zavvi- bargain) i discovered that the list of key words summarise the content perfectly. The film is one of the most horrible and explicitly bad films I have seen. The documentary feel to the film makes it hard to watch because it seems so realistic, however it is very bleak and there is nothing in it that is positive. In my opinion its not just the unremitting bad behaviour but also the fact that there in no redemption or positive moral message that caused such controversy. Everyone in the film is nasty and corrupt and the message is that nobody escapes the corruption and the corruption triumphs.

Has anyone seen this film? I think it's worth the watch and does anyone have any thoughts or views? Would you class this as 'Bad Cinema?'

Watch this..

1 comment:

*SaraH* said...

Another controversial film you should check out is the british film 'Kidulthood'

It's quite similar to the film kids in that it follows the life of a group of teenagers in one day and also involves alot of similar storylines.
The narrative contains bullying,suicide,drugs,sex,violence,knife crime and gun crime.

A definate must see of "bad" cinema!