Thursday 8 May 2008


I agree with some of your comments, particularly in relation to having other people’s religious ideas being forced onto you. 2 years ago I was on date with a guy and we were walking down new street in Birmingham when we were approached by a person who grabbed my arm forcefully and told me told us to go with her. She took us to a building and put us in the lift. She told us to go to level 2 and left us there. I was quite scared at this point, and I suppose I sound like a bit of a wuss but thus woman was not taking no for an answer. This was my introduction to Scientology. My date and I were separated and I was told to sit down whilst this man hooked me up to a stress device. He asked me a load of personally questions, then at the end told me I was stressed and to read one of his various books. Obviously I was stressed and I didn’t buy a book, and I legged it out of that building as fast as you can say Tom Cruise. I do not have a problem with this religion, it’s there faith and I respect that, but please don’t force it on me.P.S as you can tell, that was the first and last date!

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